Monday, April 4, 2011

Feeding the baby :D

I plan on breastfeeding.  These are the things I thought I would need. I already have a breast pump and breasts so that's a start haha. These are kind of out of order but I couldn't get them to go in order so they will just have to be as is! :S 

I heard these nursing pillows are really helpful.  I am sure I'll live if  I don't get one, probably just use a normal pillow or something.  I have seen all sorts of different kinds all over the place.  I don't really have a preference on what kind I want or anything.  I've heard wonderful things about Boppy pillows though! I saw them at Target but I bet they are lots of places. 

These are the bottles I wanted for when I had to leave my cute little one with some pumped milk or if someone else was just dying to feed them or something.  They are BPA free so my baby won't have some hormonal problem later or grown an extra eye or something.  The glass works well in bottle warmers and the straws help reduce colic.  I found them at Wal-mart -

This is bottle warmer.  I think it would make things nice if breast milk needed to be heated up when he was left.  I think it's hard to get it to the right temperature and dangerous to use warm tap water or a microwave.  The heating water in the microwave and then placing the bottle in that water takes forever and drives me crazy.  It's also at Walmart -

I figured I would need a bottle cleaner.  These can be found anywhere and I don't have a preference on what kind. 
I like the "Boon"  Feeding products because they innovative and are BPA free.  They can all be found online at Wal- Mart.  I haven't seen them in the stores but I haven't looked very hard.  They are in the Mommy N Me store in Rexburg by Broulim's though. 

These are the Boon spoons, they bend for little kids because their wrists don't bend and it makes it harder for them to eat with a straight spoon or fork.  This makes it easier for them. 

This is a Boon bowl.  It suctions onto the counter so they can't knock them off (or will have a harder time knocking them off at least), and has that rim to catch food they drop on the way to their mouths. 

Little boon snack carrier. 

Some breast milk bags - To store breast milk of coarse.  You can get them at Walmart as well. 
Fuzzibunz breast pads.  I liked these because they wick away moisture instead of letting it sit on your breast and creating a bigger chaffing problem.  I have already purchased one set of these, but I wouldn't mind another. 

These things are such a fun idea! This is so you can feed your baby whole foods without the choking hazard.  :D .  These are found at  I really like that site because all their stuff is BPA free.  I don't really want to put something in my babies mouth that might hurt them. 
This is the rocker I plan on getting.  I found it at a great price at Wal-Mart.  I heard you really will want one while feed your baby, especially when breast-feeding.
These are storage containers for when I introduce solid.  I plan on making my own to save money and avoid preservatives.  These can be found at .  I don't really mind what kind I get I just want BPA free storage containers. 
I found this inexpensive food grinder online at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  It's a battery free hand mill, this is basically what my mom fed me out of from what they were eating.  It's also BPA free!

I also found some books to help me out with making the baby food at Bed Bath and Beyond online.  I am not really picky about which one I will buy.  I just wanted one that focuses on preventing allergies, as Derek and I have a few ;).  Both these books looked great.

The high chair we plan on getting is at the Mommy N Me store in Rexburg.  It can hang on pretty much any table involved the baby with everyone at the table because the tray goes onto the table instead of separating them from everyone.  It's easy to clean, fold, and transport. 

And pacifiers! I don't care what kind I just want to get BPA free pacifiers.  I saw these at Target and also at 

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