Friday, April 22, 2011


For those who are using this to see what we need I have just updated all the items that have already be bought or someone has said they will be getting them for us in red. I also put the items that are on the lay-away at the Mommy and Me store in Rexburg, money can be put towards my lay-away by anyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lay-away at the Mommy and Me store in Rexburg.

This store is pretty much amazing and has lots of really cool stuff and the lady there is so cool and knows so much about all the stuff she sells.  Today I went in and put all the diapers I needed on lay-away.   I also put on some nursing bras and a moby wrap.  I got a free tote thing for the diapering system.  If family or friends decide they would like to get something for our baby but aren't sure what they can put some money on my account there.  You can even call it in from any location.  I really don't expect anyone to at all, we play on buying the things ourselves but if you wanted to do that as a gift we would really appreciate it.

This is the contact information -

Mommy N' Me is located at:
24 S.1st W.  Rexburg, ID 83440
Store Hours:
10 am - 6 pm Monday through Saturday

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why did I make this baby blog?

I just wanted to have a way to organize a list of things that I needed to get before my little cute guy gets here.  I am not registering for my baby shower so I thought it would be good if someone asked to be able to show them some sort of something they can get an idea of what Derek and I need.  I think it will be fun when I do start getting things to be able to put pictures on here!  If you are an experienced mom you are welcome to suggest ideas for things you found helpful with your little ones so I can be sure I have all I need :D.

Final Random Items

There are that last little details on what we will need.  I didn't list clothes, onsies, socks, or burp cloths but we need all of those! We do have a lot of bibs and we also have a lot of used pj's. As well as hats and mittens, even though it's going to be summer  - we live in Idaho! We would also like to get some toys and books too before he comes too. 
I think I'll need some drawers from his clothes. I'll probably just get something like this unless I find a set of drawers at D.I. for a good price.  We bought this. 

Baby hangers are another thing we need to get! We bought this. 

This would be cool but not really required.  I know it's a help for walking. Any of those bouncy rolly swingy things that you can put babies in for a little bit when you can't hold them. 

I just thought this looked cool, but I can bend over too. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

If my baby decides to sleep ever.

I need some crib sheets.  I would prefer a colored sheet because white sheets tends to get really dirty. I found these red crib sheets at Wal-mart but they are only sold online.  I already have the fabric to make two sets of crib sheets. 

This is the crib that we already bought from Walmart.  I think it is the standard but couldn't find it on the mattress packaging -   27¼ inches by 52 inches.  We already have this crib. 

Little sleeper thing we wanted so we don't roll on our baby since we are co-sleeping until the baby isn't breast feeding in the night.  This is called the close and secure baby sleeper.  I found it at Wal-mart and Target but Wal-mart was about 10 dollars cheaper. Someone has said they are going to buy this for us. 

We need blankets! don't care what kind.  I will need some light blankets  to protect him from wind and sun without getting him too hot this summer. 

Bath time!

I am hoping to get bath soap and such that is non-irritating to my baby's skin.  Derek and I just have really sensitive skin and so I guess little Hunter will too.

I thought I would need some super soft wash clothes.  I found these at Bed Bath and Beyond, but I don't really care what kind I end up buying/getting. 

I should have put this in health and safety but I thought of it with bath because I thought of the soft brush you use to scrub their nails and their head.  I had cradle cap real bad so our baby might too? 

I thought this was a great idea.  They are just rinsing cups.  I guess you could just use a normal cup, but that is something to remind me to have a cup next to the bathtub.  I found these special cups at Bed Bath and Beyond. 

This is my favorite bath-tub so far.  Found it at Bed Bath and Beyond.  It looks like the baby won't roll around in it and it will secure him.

Need some hooded towels to keep baby's head warm! Don't care what kind. 

I will get some natural fragrance free shampoo - because again skin sensitivities.  Maybe I can cut down on caps cradle if I do?  Johnson's and Johnson's was really irritating and terrible for me. 

I thought it would be good to get something to make sure the bath temperature is right.  I don't care what kind of these either. 

Safety And Health

For most of these things I don't really care about what brand we will buy or what type.  I am just hoping we can baby proof as much as possible and that we have everything we need to take care of our little cutie.  I found all of these things at unless otherwise indicated. 
I thought this baby monitor was the best for a price that isn't really high.  I found it at Wal-Mart

Baby mitts - So he doesn't scratch his little face! 

Teethers - I don't care what kind they are I just want to make sure they are BPA free.  Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, and seem to have the most BPA free options. 

Booger sucker.  I also would like BPA free of this too.  I saw this one at Bed Bath and Beyond. 

Baby sunscreen - He is a summer baby.  I don't care what kind it is. 

Humidifier.  I don't know why it just sounded like a good idea.  Found this one at Walmart. 

Night lights - I am thinking I'll need two or three so I won't have to be turning on all the lights in the middle of the night.    I don't care what kind, I just saw this picture and thought it was funny. 

Medicine dropper.  I don't really care what kind I just thought this was cleaver - a pacifier as a medicine dropper.  It also acts as a thermometer. 

Baby grooming kit. 

I guess we'll need a gate. 

Toothbrush - found at the  I do care the the toothbrush is BPA and toxin free but I don't care what kind. 

Little crib guard so he doesn't gnaw his way through the crib wood. 

I like the thermometers that you put in their ear or on their forehead since little ones don't like to hold still. 

I heard kids like to play in toilets. 

Traveling baby!

We already have a great car seat! The Phil and Ted's stuff is just -  I wish I could have this, maybe we'll save up and buy it later.  
We aren't crazy about strollers, but Derek is crazy about this Pil and Ted escape baby carrier.  It's for when the baby gets a little older.  It sure is pretty awesome! You get get it at the Mommy and Me Store for the same price as anywhere online.  Here's the site if you want to look at all the awesome features! Someone has said they are going to buy this for us! 
This is the baby seat that we already have! 

These are dangerous I have learned because anything that goes under the baby will reduce the effectiveness of the car seat and flip your baby out or something.  So you have to use something that doesn't go under the baby at all in their carseat... So I don't know if those exsit to just go around the head or I might just have to use blankies. :D 

I am getting a Moby wrap to carry around the little one.   I have this moby on lay-away at the Mommy and Me Store in Rexburg.  Anyone is welcome to put money on that lay-away if that is what they wanted to do for a gift. I've already paid for part of it. 

Feeding the baby :D

I plan on breastfeeding.  These are the things I thought I would need. I already have a breast pump and breasts so that's a start haha. These are kind of out of order but I couldn't get them to go in order so they will just have to be as is! :S 

I heard these nursing pillows are really helpful.  I am sure I'll live if  I don't get one, probably just use a normal pillow or something.  I have seen all sorts of different kinds all over the place.  I don't really have a preference on what kind I want or anything.  I've heard wonderful things about Boppy pillows though! I saw them at Target but I bet they are lots of places. 

These are the bottles I wanted for when I had to leave my cute little one with some pumped milk or if someone else was just dying to feed them or something.  They are BPA free so my baby won't have some hormonal problem later or grown an extra eye or something.  The glass works well in bottle warmers and the straws help reduce colic.  I found them at Wal-mart -

This is bottle warmer.  I think it would make things nice if breast milk needed to be heated up when he was left.  I think it's hard to get it to the right temperature and dangerous to use warm tap water or a microwave.  The heating water in the microwave and then placing the bottle in that water takes forever and drives me crazy.  It's also at Walmart -

I figured I would need a bottle cleaner.  These can be found anywhere and I don't have a preference on what kind. 
I like the "Boon"  Feeding products because they innovative and are BPA free.  They can all be found online at Wal- Mart.  I haven't seen them in the stores but I haven't looked very hard.  They are in the Mommy N Me store in Rexburg by Broulim's though. 

These are the Boon spoons, they bend for little kids because their wrists don't bend and it makes it harder for them to eat with a straight spoon or fork.  This makes it easier for them. 

This is a Boon bowl.  It suctions onto the counter so they can't knock them off (or will have a harder time knocking them off at least), and has that rim to catch food they drop on the way to their mouths. 

Little boon snack carrier. 

Some breast milk bags - To store breast milk of coarse.  You can get them at Walmart as well. 
Fuzzibunz breast pads.  I liked these because they wick away moisture instead of letting it sit on your breast and creating a bigger chaffing problem.  I have already purchased one set of these, but I wouldn't mind another. 

These things are such a fun idea! This is so you can feed your baby whole foods without the choking hazard.  :D .  These are found at  I really like that site because all their stuff is BPA free.  I don't really want to put something in my babies mouth that might hurt them. 
This is the rocker I plan on getting.  I found it at a great price at Wal-Mart.  I heard you really will want one while feed your baby, especially when breast-feeding.
These are storage containers for when I introduce solid.  I plan on making my own to save money and avoid preservatives.  These can be found at .  I don't really mind what kind I get I just want BPA free storage containers. 
I found this inexpensive food grinder online at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  It's a battery free hand mill, this is basically what my mom fed me out of from what they were eating.  It's also BPA free!

I also found some books to help me out with making the baby food at Bed Bath and Beyond online.  I am not really picky about which one I will buy.  I just wanted one that focuses on preventing allergies, as Derek and I have a few ;).  Both these books looked great.

The high chair we plan on getting is at the Mommy N Me store in Rexburg.  It can hang on pretty much any table involved the baby with everyone at the table because the tray goes onto the table instead of separating them from everyone.  It's easy to clean, fold, and transport. 

And pacifiers! I don't care what kind I just want to get BPA free pacifiers.  I saw these at Target and also at